Thank You to our Volunteers

We have volunteers across many areas of the Trust, from gardeners at The Outback to receptionist’s at our Children’s Centre’s, without them and their dedication we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

This Wednesday HOT will say ‘Thank You’ to all it’s wonderful volunteers by way of a celebration at Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre.  Katy, our Marketing Assistant, went out to meet volunteers last week to take their photo on a clear, crisp Winter’s day.  The photos will be on display in Elsie Whiteley’s atrium and all volunteers will receive a certificate and celebratory lunch to say thank you for their hard work and dedication in 2017.

If you are interested in volunteering at one of our Children’s Centres you can contact our volunteer team based at Jubilee Children’s Centre on 01422 342552.  Got green fingers? Volunteer at The Outback, email us at [email protected].